This data is obtained by a Fluksometer, installed in the technical room in the Kalkkaai 6 building, ground floor. This device measures the consumption of the entire 3E building with an error of maximum 5-10%. The processing is powered by OpenGrid (
In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import charts
from opengrid.library import misc, houseprint
In [ ]:
hp = houseprint.Houseprint()
In [9]:
sensors = hp.search_sensors(key='565de0a7dc64d8370aa321491217b85f')
head = pd.Timestamp('20160101')
tail = pd.Timestamp('now')
df = hp.get_data(sensors=sensors, head=head, tail=tail)
In [10]:
charts.plot(df, stock=True, show='inline')
In [22]:
total = df.ix[:'20160401'].sum()/60/1000
print("Total consumption jan-feb-mar 2016 = {:.0f} kWh".format(total.values[0]))